A Little about me...
My Name is Christina, I'm 26, Married, and have one step-daughter. I also run a photography business with my husband.

I have always been overweight, but I had my wake up call in 2010 about how much more weight I had gained. I wasn't happy. I known now I wasn't very healthy either, but at the time I felt fine with what I was doing in my life. Unlike most people who strive to lose weight for health, my main goal was vanity. I wanted to feel beautiful, I wanted to feel confident in my looks, but I wanted to do it right. I was tired of trying to lose weight and failing. I remember trying to shave my legs, and having to sit down, or feeling like I just did an aerobics class when I was finished. That was the point I just knew I had let things get to far, when something so simple was difficult to do.

A friend told me about a great website called My Fitness Pal, which has helped me watch my calories and become more active. I've also been fortunate to have a supportive husband, who listens to me whine and complain, and still works out with me. One thing I learned quickly was watching your calories while eating crap food was Hard! So I started making recipes I found through the website, then ones my friends told me about, or from other recipe blogs, and now I want to share them here.

Its early 2012 and I'm 60lbs down, with about another 60lbs to go. I'm hoping by the end of this year to be at my goal weight, and to continue a healthy lifestyle forever, and maybe some of it will even rub off on my daughter when she grows up.